Medical and Public Health of Tawang District:

Khando Drowa Sangmo District Hospital Tawang
Sl.No. | Particulars | Unit | Year 2013-14 |
1. | Total No. of Medical Institutions | In Nos. | 19 |
2. | Allopathic | In Nos. | 22 |
3. | Homeopathic | In Nos. | 1 |
4. | Ayurvedic | In Nos. | 1 |
5. | Total No. of Beds Installed | In Nos. | 63 |
6. | Urban (Beds installed) | In Nos. | 47 |
7. | Rural (Beds installed) | In Nos. | 16 |
8. | Medical and Para Medical Personal | In Person | 44 |
9. | Doctor | In Person | 17 |
10. | Nurse | In Person | 11 |
11. | No. of Family Welfare Clinic/Centre | In Nos. | 1 |
12. | Total No. of Patient Treated | In Nos. | 1170 |
13. | Indoor Patient | In Nos. | 0 |
14. | Outdoor patient | In Nos. | 1170 |